In a Soul-based Business,
the work feels personal, because it is. Our Path & Purpose are interwoven...
Our purpose is our essence: we're all here to deliver our soul-based gifts. Our path, however, is the thing (or things) we do to deliver those gifts. Pursuing both together gets obstructed by an age-old problem:
Polarizes our professional lives & personhood.
We're told not to bring our gifts to our path. To check our soul at the door. In some fields we're even taught to fear our own wholeness... that it's unethical.
For those of us who are called to soul-based service, this invisible rupture is the single biggest barrier to our deep fulfillment & the work we truly came to do.
dismantling the fear & confusion about
Showing up whole in the work of change...
It's hard. When we feel 'called' to something more and begin to follow that call, a lot gets in the way. In a world that wants women to play small, it's easy to abandon that call and acquiesce to less.
I'm intimately familiar with the struggle of our path & purpose being forcibly polarized.
That struggle led me to develop a counter-pathway. An approach to life-navigation for women in service that combines both Personal & Professional Development. One that is the very opposite of 'polarized'.
I call this navigational approach
Resonance is a counter-pathway to the polarization that keeps women frustrated, fragmented & playing small in the work of change.
Incorporating Art, Ritual & Leading-edge Psychology, this approach teaches a hybrid skill set & lens for the return journey to your Sacred Self. The result? You are more empowered to bring your gifts, and your business is custom-tailored to deliver them.
The assertion that we have to choose between being professional & being whole is part of a dying paradigm. I created Resonance to help us live a new one into being.
RESONANCE Combines my expertise as A THERAPIST, business COACH & PRIESTESS through
3 Powerful Pathways of Change:
Internal Family Systems
IFS is a revolutionary skill set & theory of mind that radically recalibrates how we understand & care for ourselves, and how we interface with others. I am a Level 2 Institute-trained IFS Therapist and have adapted the model into self-care, ceremony & coaching.
Resonance teaches IFS for self-care, inner relationship & professional expansion.
The Expressive Arts
Art is a way of knowing and a powerful way to externalize & process without words. Used widely in my therapy practice, creative process gives us the opportunity to chronicle our own journey of change while also infusing our work with others in new, inspiring & enriching ways.
Resonance uses Expressive Arts to bring new depth & dimension to all we do.
The Sacred Feminine
Spiritual but non-religious, rooted in women's traditions from pre-Christian times, Sacred Feminine practice focuses on communion with the natural world, attunement with lunar cycles and (not unlike IFS) the liberation of our truest Self.
Resonance imparts the Sacred Feminine to hone inner trust & co-create with the Divine.
Explore Personal & Professional Development
Is it time to level up in life and business? Are you ready to start the business you've always dreamed of, or pivoting into your next big goal? Are you looking for a new approach to stay grounded, resilient & self-honoring in your work?
If so, let's explore how I can help:
"Resonance is the act of sounding again due to similar vibrational structure & frequency...
As you simplify, empty & resonate, you dissolve interference patterns, revealing natural alignment and wisdom to be the underlying geometrical patterns of the Divine Mind that are always at your disposal."